It has widely been reported that 80% of all people live within 60 miles of the coast.
In the US 39% of the population live in coastal shoreline counties.
This means that people have an innate desire to live near water and it’s ingrained in us.
We need it for life, recreation, and for transporting goods and materials.
Therefore, as a real estate agent there’s a huge opportunity to get involved in this highly regarded niche market, here’s how:
There’s no better way to specialize in selling waterfront property than to actually live the life.
There are issues and concerns that only people who actually live on the water will understand.
Having the ability to speak knowledgably about these concerns from personal experience will make an excellent impression when you’re meeting with a homeowner who’s considering listing their home for sale with you.
Don’t have money to buy a waterfront home or condo? Rent one.
People who live on waterfront property typically do so because they plan on enjoying the water, this means boating.
Owning a boat is a great way to meet these water lovers as they typically congregate at the same places such as Marinas and popular boat docks.
As a real estate agent you can really impress a client by offering to show them a water front property “by boat”.
Don’t have money to buy a boat? Rent one.
A great way to meet people who would be interested in buying waterfront property is by joining local boating and Yacht clubs.
These organizations typically meet at marinas and some may not even require you to own a boat.
However, by joining these clubs you’ll have the opportunity to network with many like minded individuals who’ll be much more likely to make an offer on your new waterfront listing.
Focusing exclusively on waterfront property can have it’s risks such as New Jersey recently learned from Hurricane Sandy.
Natural disasters are always going to happen and when they do expect the market to go ice cold.
Therefore, it’s important to diversify so you’ll have other homes to sell when everyone bails on waterfront.
Now it’s over to you.
Have you ever considered specializing in waterfront property?
Darnell Jackson has completed over 75 real estate transactions in his career he also founded and several other internet properties. He believes we come from absolute greatness and accomplishing the extraordinary is the least that we should expect from ourselves. Follow Darnell @FreedomMMC on Twitter, SoundCloud, and YouTube.