When it comes to marketing listings online, time is crucial. Every hour you spend marketing one listing takes time away from other properties you need to focus on. Additionally, menial time-consuming tasks may leave less time for more important tasks such as closing deals, making calls, and showing listings. If you want to make the most of your time and get the best exposure for your properties, make use of the iHOUSE website listing syndication feature. You will give your listings maximum exposure and significantly improve your efficiency. Here’s how listing syndication helps keep your realty website current.
Listing syndication ensures that your data remains consistent on different listing sites. Managing listings is one of the most tasking jobs of a realtor. As properties sell, come on the market, change information, or change price, you have to update your website to reflect this information. The iHOUSE listing syndication feature copies your listing information to major real estate portals to keep data consistent.
You can auto-update listings on the MLS to keep your iHOUSE website current. The listing software has all the information homebuyers and sellers need at any time of day. Once you update information on the MLS, it is automatically reflected on your website. This saves you a lot of valuable time and helps you to avoid double entry. You are able to provide accurate and timely information to people searching for properties on different websites. In addition, listing information that comes directly from the multiple listing service increases your information’s accuracy on the internet.
Syndication lets you distribute listings at the mere click of a button. Research shows that most homebuyers tend to focus their search on popular real estate portals like Yahoo! Real Estate, Zillow and Trulia. These sites get approximately 4-5 million visitors a month. Listing syndication helps you to maximize your potential for attaining new clients and sparking the interest of prospective home buyers. By auto-updating listings, you save plenty of time and attract clients in an effortless way.
Your iHOUSE Elite website makes it easy for you to syndicate your listings. In a matter of seconds, you can submit listings to the most popular real estate portals. You can also remove listing information from the feed whenever you want by simply clicking a button.
Manually entering data on different real estate databases is a difficult and time-consuming task. That said, most home sellers prefer to display their properties on as many sites as they can. If you have multiple listings, the job can become overwhelming. Listing syndication helps you to submit your listings to multiple sites at the same time giving you plenty of time to focus on other areas of your business.
Sometimes listings may not sell as fast as you want and this may get you in trouble with clients. They may think you aren’t doing your best to sell their property and begin looking for other avenues. Major real estate sites and portals give page view count statistics which you can gather and show property owners. By giving them weekly reports of their properties across the major sites, they can see the activity and appreciate your efforts.
Any skilled realtor knows that marketing listings is all about getting the most exposure. Listing syndication helps you to generate interest, attract prospective clients, and sell listings. It gives you maximum exposure for minimum effort and creates a win-win situation for both you and your clients.
Are you ready to try out your free trial of iHOUSE Elite? Here’s how to signup to witness the listing syndication feature for yourself.
Ronique Gibson is an Associate Architect and a LEED Accredited Professional, who has been in the design industry for over 13 years. She started her design blog in 2009 and today it has become a premier destination for helping homeowners with everyday lifestyle challenges. Her readers check in daily for help with their homes, DIY project ideas, recipes, crafts, and inspiration to beautify and enjoy their homes.