Short sales have become somewhat of a controversial topic these days.
Some swear by them and have set up thriving niche businesses off of people needing to sell their homes”short” due to the fact that they owe more than their property is worth.
Investors are also mixed on short sales.
Some find them to be great deals and others stay away and won’t touch one with a ten foot pole.
Let’s take a look at the pro’s and cons:
Now it’s over to you.
What is your take on this important niche. Are you an advocate of short sales or do you think they are a waste of time?
Darnell Jackson has completed over 75 real estate transactions in his career he also founded and several other internet properties. He believes we come from absolute greatness and accomplishing the extraordinary is the least that we should expect from ourselves. Follow Darnell @FreedomMMC on Twitter, SoundCloud, and YouTube.