Are you generating leads but are unable to convert them into sales? The problem could be your website. Sometimes, all you need to do is tweak your website to convert prospects into clients. You may be doing everything right except one small thing. Avoid these common mistakes REALTORS® make on their websites:
Why spend money, time, and effort to attract clients only to lose them once they land on your website? Give your site a professional look because clients will question your competency if you choose a non-professional one. iHOUSE websites have many attractive templates so you don’t have to hire a web designer. Choose a layout with video, text, and images. Pictures and videos fascinate people so you should make the most of them. Display clear, professional photographs of your listings and change them frequently. Also include information about the listings and the industry. This will encourage people to come back.
These days, most people access the internet via their mobiles, tablets, and other portable gadgets. Having a fully responsive website is therefore crucial. A responsive website is one that functions in the same way on desktops and mobile devices. Buyers and sellers don’t want to open your website only to find that the text is too small or the images are unclear. They will close it without a second thought.
Provide a great user experience by making your website mobile friendly. Your potential clients will be able to view all of your listings and perform other actions with ease (like filling out forms). You can’t afford to have an unresponsive website in this digital age.
An optimized website is loved by search engines because it makes work easy for them. In return, they reward it with high rankings. When your site ranks highly, it is easily found by people looking for your services. People have confidence in websites that appear on the first pages of search engines.
To optimize your website for search engines, use long tail keywords in your website’s content and blog posts, use meta and title tags, and get other websites to link to you. Analyze your data often to see what’s working and what’s not and you’ll be sure to come up with a winning formula.
Email marketing is a great way to generate leads. In fact, it is one of the best lead generation methods for REALTORS®. Research shows that almost ⅔ of agents capitalize on email marketing. This is because it has an easy setup process and puts products right in front of buyers. Unfortunately, some agents underestimate the power of email marketing.
To make the best use of email marketing, create a segmented campaign. For example, you can send new leads newsletters and buyers’ guides to those who have filled forms on your website. Write captivating headlines to draw interest, add social sharing buttons to your emails, and avoid sending too many emails.
Do you have company social media accounts? When is the last time you interacted with your audience through them? If you can’t remember, you need to change your strategy. It will take some time and effort, but the results will be worth it. Don’t just focus on Twitter and Facebook, use LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube. Engage your audience through tweets, posts, comments, mentions, and likes. Make the most of social media because most of it is free.
You should also track your performance on social media. Check which type of content performs well and post it regularly so as to keep prospects glued. Thank those who share your content and reply to comments. When traveling, schedule your content across social networks.
Ronique Gibson is an Associate Architect and a LEED Accredited Professional, who has been in the design industry for over 13 years. She started her design blog in 2009 and today it has become a premier destination for helping homeowners with everyday lifestyle challenges. Her readers check in daily for help with their homes, DIY project ideas, recipes, crafts, and inspiration to beautify and enjoy their homes.