Spring is a time when many homebuyers shop for their dream homes. They scour the internet and drive by properties they are interested in before scheduling a showing. As sellers put their homes on the market in spring, buyers have a wide selection to choose from. They can easily look past what they don’t like and focus on what they do. Help your sellers gain a competitive edge by sharing these tips with them.
While packing in advance may sound crazy to most sellers, remind them it’s something they’ll have to do eventually so it’s good to get a head start. This does not mean that they pack everything in their homes, they should only pack unused items. Tell sellers to sort their closets, basements, attics, and other storage areas to determine what stays and what goes. They can also sell or donate the items they don’t use. Homes with a few items look spacious and spacious homes appeal to buyers tremendously. Sellers should pack belongings before putting their homes on the market to determine whether they will require self-storage units.
Due to the nasty winter weather, most homeowners postpone home repairs till spring. Spring is a great time to work on minor repairs and remodeling projects. Sellers should work on their to-do lists and conduct home inspections to see if there are more problems that need fixing. They should avoid carrying out costly renovation projects before selling their homes unless it is necessary. Some of the common spring projects include:
Dark and musty basements are a turn off for buyers. Sellers should clean their basements, paint the floors, and add extra lighting. They should tidy up storage areas and run dehumidifiers to minimize moisture.
Model homes don’t have loosely hanging children’s artwork, stacks of magazines, and clusters of unpaid bills on tables. While every home has clutter, buyers don’t want to see it. They want to see a model house they can live in with their families. Advise sellers with homes on the market to visit model homes to get an idea of what buyers expect. They will also know which upgrades to make to wow buyers. One of the best ways to create a model home is by decluttering. Sellers should remove objects from shelves and surfaces and pack personal items which can distract buyers.
To raise the chances of selling their homes, sellers should stage for success. Attractive interiors, impeccable rooms, neutral hues, and gorgeous exteriors appeal to a wide audience and help homes to sell quickly. Staged homes make a lasting impression on buyers. Advise sellers to learn simple techniques to make their homes stand out in every way. They can also add seasonal elements when staging. Alternatively, they can hire professional stagers to do the job.
Buyers love to shop for homes in spring. The weather is nice and children are on spring break. However, most buyers don’t buy the first home they see, they visit a few before making up their minds. Buying a home is a big decision and most buyers want to be sure before they make an offer. Help your sellers to make an impression on buyers by sharing these tips.
Ronique Gibson is an Associate Architect and a LEED Accredited Professional, who has been in the design industry for over 13 years. She started her design blog in 2009 and today it has become a premier destination for helping homeowners with everyday lifestyle challenges. Her readers check in daily for help with their homes, DIY project ideas, recipes, crafts, and inspiration to beautify and enjoy their homes.