Payment Past Due Notification
For Elite there is now a message that shows up in the Admin menu when payment is past due, urging the customer to update their billing information and/or to contact Customer Service to resolve the issue.
Teaser Registration: Number of Views
Agents can now set their own teaser registration number of views. The default is still set to 3 with a strong posted recommendation to leave this setting alone in order to maximize the number of leads generated. This was one of our more popular feature requests.
MailChimp Drip Email Campaigns (Early Adopters Only)
NOTE: This does not affect HouseTrack Emails in any way!
There is now a new drip email system that uses MailChimp as the sending engine.
Existing customers that are using the old drip system will be grandfathered for the time being. We are finalizing a migration plan that will allow them to cut over their existing campaigns to the new system with minimal disruption.
We’re hoping to eventually get all our customers to adopt and use MailChimp for their marketing emails – they will be getting a much better product with more features and a much better delivery rate.
Edit Listing Photos: Multiple File Uploader
The Edit Listing Photos page now has a Multiple File Uploader – for when a customer wants to manually add their own custom photos. It also supports dragging and dropping files from your desktop.
Older browsers like Internet Explorer 8 do not support this functionality and will still use single file uploading.
Gallery Widget Forced Aspect Ratio (e-released 2/27)
The forced aspect ratio options were not working. There are now 2 options that both work: “No” (original aspect ratio) and “Landscape”.
Saved listings 500 error fixed
In certain cases, users would see 500 errors when viewing the saved listings page.
Map search details view fixed
A recent template architectural change broke the details view in the map search tool.
LeadTracker “View Details” links for agent directory users fixed
Listing “View Details” links in the Visits tab on LeadTracker details screens didn’t work — they would prompt authentication.
Error message formatting for analytics page fixed
Styling for error messages in various pages of the admin menu have been fixed.
Phone is now properly marked as required on registration page
The phone field was not properly marked as required on user registration pages. This has been fixed.
Fixed broken URLs in welcome emails
Some of the “welcome” emails had improperly specified URLs in them that didn’t work.
“You don’t have my MLS” block showing up during add mls and upgrade
Was causing an error page. Replaced with a message and link to contact customer service
Stephen serves as both Graphics Manager and Product Manager at iHOUSEweb. He graduated from Cal Poly with a BS in Applied Art & Design and has been working as a Web Designer and Developer since 1998. He relentlessly pushes himself and the rest of the team to learn, grow, and innovate.