A beautiful exterior isn’t just unforgettable; in real estate, it can determine whether a home sells or not. Every seller’s dream is to sell their home for the best possible price. Unfortunately, this is not a dream many achieve. The good news is that there are many things sellers can do to add value to their homes. One of them is sprucing up the backyard. The backyard is one of the areas often ignored by sellers as they stage their homes. Most focus on the interior and façade and hope that buyers won’t go to the backyard. The reality is that they will. Talk to your sellers about this and let them know that their backyards need to be in tip-top shape. Here are some projects they can undertake this spring.
Old haggard furniture is not only an eyesore, it can be a distraction. The last thing you want is buyers ignoring the architectural details of a gorgeous house and concentrating on the worn-out furniture. It will be the only thing they remember after they leave.
Homeowners with patios should buy comfy seats for them. Those with backyard pools should place furniture around them. When prospective buyers come, they will feel at home and want to linger in the space. Sellers should create conversation areas with furniture to make their backyards more inviting. Those who can’t afford to buy new furniture should do up their old furniture by reupholstering it, staining or painting.
Most people lead busy lives and don’t have time to tend to large, intricate gardens. If you show buyers a beautiful house and they find an expansive garden at the back, they may hesitate to make an offer. They will think about the amount of money required to maintain it or how they will have a hard time adhering to the garden style. Sellers should simplify their gardens to create a welcoming environment for buyers. They should pot the plants they intend to take with them, replace some flowers with evergreens, and apply mulch on bare spots. This way, buyers can envision their own gardens.
Advise sellers to keep their lawns in good condition. They should fertilize and water them, trim overgrown shrubs, and clean up after their pets. If a lawn is dry and unkempt, buyers will think it is hard to maintain.
Well-positioned bird baths, sculptures, and garden décor can drastically improve the look of a backyard. Tell sellers to choose garden décor which complements their plants. If they decide to add artwork, they should opt for simple pieces and not dreadful ones which make the backyard look hideous. Sellers should also consider the architectural styles of their homes when choosing decorative objects for their gardens. They should be careful not to add too many decorations but give buyers a chance to visualize what they can do with the space. In addition, they should also place the décor strategically. After putting everything in place, they should give their gardens a once-over to ensure they look good.
The current real estate market is filled with countless sellers and few buyers. Modern buyers have become more finicky and can be put off by the slightest imperfection. Needless to say, sellers must do all they can to make their homes outstanding in more ways than one. Backyard appeal is just as important as curb appeal. It can make the difference between excited buyers and buyers with doubts. If you want to sell your listings fast and make your clients happy, share with them these tips. At the end of the day, everyone will be happy.
Ronique Gibson is an Associate Architect and a LEED Accredited Professional, who has been in the design industry for over 13 years. She started her design blog in 2009 and today it has become a premier destination for helping homeowners with everyday lifestyle challenges. Her readers check in daily for help with their homes, DIY project ideas, recipes, crafts, and inspiration to beautify and enjoy their homes.