Color has the ability to brighten up the most unattractive of spaces. Many home sellers think of adding color to their exteriors but only a few act on the idea. Some are worried that they will choose the wrong colors while others focus on a myriad of projects. Adding color to an exterior isn’t a difficult task, all sellers need to know are the colors buyers love. There are many ways to add color to an exterior. Here are a few you can share with your sellers.
Your sellers should make paint their best friend if they want to pique the interest of buyers. Advise them to paint their doors pretty colors which coordinate with the colors of their homes. However, they should ensure the paint color contrasts with the façade. Those with white or gray façades should consider painting their doors bold colors like red. Paint performs two functions: it revives a house and boosts curb appeal.
When painting the exterior, home sellers should stick to tried and tested combinations. Exterior paint colors are harder to remove than interior colors so it’s important to make the right decision. Sellers can choose nature-inspired hues like mossy green or rich brown which blend with the surrounding landscape or opt for warm pink-beige tones which highlight architectural details. However, they should refrain from using bold colors generously. If they must, they should only choose one color that pops.
Flowers have gorgeous, natural colors which are pleasant to the eyes. Additionally, a groomed garden tells buyers that a home is well maintained. Tell home sellers to perk up their flower beds by uprooting weeds and removing debris. They should add mulch to their gardens to give them a fresh look, to add moisture to plants, and to decrease weeds.
Homeowners should plant annual flowers like petunias, pansies, impatiens, and black-eyed Susans for quick, long-lasting color. Annuals are inexpensive, develop quickly, and bloom for longer periods than other flowers. They can be bought at garden and home improvement stores.
Replacing dated or builder-grade garage and front door lights enhances a home’s curb appeal. It is one of the outdoor home improvement projects with a high success rate. Tell sellers to make sure the breaker in the electric panel is shut off when installing light fixtures. They should also test any wires with live-wire testing devices before touching them.
Those with low budgets can paint or spray-paint their old light fixtures instead of replacing them. For example, those with gold lights from the 80s can paint them black while those with incandescent light bulbs can spray-paint them.
This is one of the cheapest and quickest ways of adding curb appeal to a house. Unfortunately, it is also the most overlooked. When looking for a house on sale, potential buyers usually search for the house number. Oftentimes, they will find it on the mailbox. A rusty mailbox that is falling apart can convey the wrong message to buyers. A new mailbox, on the other hand, can make buyers want to see more of a home. Sellers should paint their old mailboxes or replace them with new ones.
The exterior is the largest and most noticeable part of a home and must be perfect in every way. If it is less than perfect, buyers won’t want to see what’s inside. Make sure your sellers choose the right colors for their exteriors by sharing these tips with them. They will optimize curb appeal and attract as many buyers as possible.
Ronique Gibson is an Associate Architect and a LEED Accredited Professional, who has been in the design industry for over 13 years. She started her design blog in 2009 and today it has become a premier destination for helping homeowners with everyday lifestyle challenges. Her readers check in daily for help with their homes, DIY project ideas, recipes, crafts, and inspiration to beautify and enjoy their homes.